
My name is Keaton. I also call myself Calico or Kitsch. Anything works! live in the Pacific Northwest and I have strange dreams. I love the woods and am usually pacing around my property when I'm not at my computer. I am an avid fan of "critters," especially insects; beetles are my special interest. I am a maladaptive daydreamer and spend most of my time imagining and developing worlds, stories, and characters in my mind. I love writing and I took up drawing to support my stories; my goal is to eventually publish comics and other projects on Neocities.
I'm a bit anxious and still not very good at one-on-one conversation, but I always appreciate it when people talk to me!

Keaton Factsheet
- Age: 16 (3rd instar)
- Pronouns: he/it
- Fan of: Dirt, calico cats, animal behavior, imaginary places, spirits, fearsome critters, the Tree
- Favorite Pokemon: Heracross
- Letters and Numbers: INFP, 4w5 with 6 fix, so/sx
- Weapon: My Teeth
- Occupation: Knight
- Class: Hylic